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We love our patients — and we want them to love the care they receive!

Our goal is to make sure every one of our patients has a fantastic experience with our hearing care providers, and that each gets the results they really need. Whether it’s something as simple as a hearing consultation or as impactful as a full hearing aid fitting, making our patients happy is what we’re here for. See what they have to say about our practice!

Video Testimonials

Written Testimonials

Kathy A. – 4/2022

Hi Steve,

It was great to see you last week. Thank you once again for your outstanding service! When I first came to you, I didn't realize how very expensive hearing aid were and quite frankly I was in sticker shock! Because you didn't push and showed me the advantages of getting "just the right hearing aids for me" I was able to test them out free of charge for 30 days and quickly realized what a life altering items these were.

Having my hearing aids blue toothed to my iPhone and to my TV makes both my professional and personal life better than I could have ever dreamed. Your willingness and patience to work with me to make sure they were "fine tuned" just to my needs made it so simple for me.

Thank you for your patience, knowledge and guidance throughout this process. I have never once regretted spending the money for my hearing aids and have never questioned whether or not I would get the outstanding service I needed if I experienced any issues.

Thank you for changing my life!


John F. – 6/2011

“Dear Steve, I am writing to thank you for introducing me to the new Oticon hearing aids! As someone who has lost all of the hearing above 4K, I had resigned myself to not hearing conversations in social environments. I would dread making phone calls for business or socially related. It is extremely frustrating asking people to repeat themselves over and over again. I have been wearing my new devices for a month, and it has been life changing! I have confidence in conducting business over the phone and don’t shy away from social environments. Thank you for your patience and for selling me these hearing instruments. It has literally changed my life. I will gladly give your name as a reference to anyone who needs hearing aids!”

Mrs. Mario P.

“Dear Stephen, I cannot express my gratitude and feelings as I tell people the story of how I had called you regarding Mario’s hearing problem. You came to the house because Mario cannot make it to your office. I called you later to tell you that Mario was now in Weymouth Health Center, and you said you would call me and go to him to fit him with his new aids. It was a few days later that Mario passed away. I cannot get over you returning my full check without keeping anything for your fee. That is incredible in this day and age. You are a person with compassion and integrity and more! Thank you so much"


“Steve Tobias, this email is to thank you for your time you spent with me. I was in your office for a hearing test two weeks ago and you found a flaw in one of my ears. Instead of fitting me with an aid, you suggested I see an ENT doctor. I did as you suggested with GREAT results; he found a blockage and performed a procedure that corrected it! For 30 years I have not been able to hear out of this ear! I have had many hearing tests over the years, and never has someone directed me to an ENT doctor! So, in a way, I am so sorry that I am not ordering a hearing aid from you, but I will always be grateful for what you have done for me! I will recommend you to others with hearing-impaired issues! Thank you again!"

John – 4/2017

“Just a quick note to tell you how pleased I am with my new hearing aids! My experience as one of your customers was just right, no B.S. or razzle-dazzle about being a patient, just thorough, businesslike, and straightforward! I felt so comfortable”

Mary M. – 07/2016

“Dear Mr. Tobias, I’d like to thank you for the courtesy office visit last Friday. Rather than trying to figure out why you extended your kindness, I’ve decided to follow your example by passing on a similar benefit to others when the opportunity arises.”

Helen G. – 4/1997

“Good morning Steve, I was in Maine for the Easter holiday and went to a church in Sanford to see a passion play. It lasted two hours and was the most exquisite piece of talent I have ever seen! My purpose in telling you this is that I prayed for all of your future endeavors regarding your specialty, because I HEARD EVERY WORD!!!! I cried and applauded until my hands were swollen! I never could have enjoyed it so much if it was not for you and your skill! I shall never forget this play and what it means to be able to hear! I had a barrel of laughs with my grandchildren HEARING!”

Loretta M. – 7/1989

“Dear Mr. Tobias, I am very happy with my new hearing aids. It was a great boost to my morale.”

Yogi T. – 2/1991

“Steve, Scot loves his new hearing aids! Thanks for everything. You did another great job!”

Bernadette L. [daughter of patient, Elizabeth N.] – 9/1986

“Dear Mr. Tobias, I just wanted to thank you for treating my mother so nicely. She was so relaxed and thought you were the greatest! You were kind, patient, and pleasant. She is really doing good with her new hearing aids”

Ilene [Texas] C. – 5/2010

“Steve, how do you really thank someone for all that you have done? But with all of my heart, I do thank you! Because of you, not only do I get to hear, but I can hear your music that I enjoyed so much. You are truly one of a kind, and you will always be very special to me.”

Rita M. – 3/2019

“I don’t know how I can ever thank you [Stephen Tobias] for helping me to hear. I have not heard anything in my left ear for over 10 years, and with thanks to you, I can once again hear! You are amazing, I have been to several other hearing aid places and was never satisfied with the results. He explained everything to me and had so much patience with all of my questions. He knew exactly what I needed and made all my expectations come true!"